Monday, August 27, 2012

vocabulary list 3


Vocab list 3

Accolade-  a ceremonial embrace

The king was received back to his land with an accolade
acerbity- bitterness

The pompous king spoke with much acerbity in his tone to those he considered under him
attrition- the act of weakening by constant attack

The lawyer use of attrition against the defendant was relentless
bromide- a tiresome person

After a long hard days of work the congressman came back to his wife at home as a very bromide husband
chauvinist- excessive patriotism

The hillbilly was such a chauvinist that he tattooed the American flag on his forehead
chronic- marked by long duration

His football injury left him with chronic back pain that got worse as he aged.
expound-  to defend with argument

The lawyer expounded the defendant by stating that the prosecutor claims were irevelant to the case.
factionalism-a group that is often self-seeking

immaculate- containing no flaw or error

His ACT score was immaculate earning him a full ride to Harvard.
imprecation- to curse

The boy muttered imprecations under his breath so his teacher would not hear him.
ineluctable- not to be avoided, changed or resisted

The criminal’s jail sentence was ineluctable as his crime was to severe.
mercurial- having qualities of thievishness

The monkeys were known to be very mercurial, by stealing from tourists.
palliate- to reduce

They decided to palliate the amount of corn produce and put more effort in to producing wheat.
protocol- set of rules to be followed

The soldiers were taught to follow strict protocol on their missions.

resplendent- shining brilliantly

The resplendent sun made temperatures rise
stigmatize- to mark with stigmata

The legal system stigmatized juveniles as criminals.
sub rosa- secretly-in confidence

She told him of the murder in sub rosa knowing he wouldn’t give her away.
vainglory- vain display or show

Beowolf by many is thought to expressed his fighting skills with much vainglory.
vestige- a footprint

The thief had done a sloppy job as he left many vestiges that led to his identity.
volition- the power of determining or choosing

As judge he was given the volition to who was guilty or innocent.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

1987 AP exam essays

Question 1

Modern leisure has been stamped out the mellow ways of old leisure. This is the message that author George Elliot tries to convey with the help of various stylistic devices in her excerpt. Her use of syntax and diction express this point. As do her us of imagery in her examples.


            As the author states that leisure is gone she does it with much remorse expressed through examples of imagery. The first sentence of the excerpts expresses this with the heartfelt examples of slow wagons, spinning wheels and peddlers. This use of imagery is further seen later as the author explains the average week in old leisure with of being without worry under a fruit tree wall. Syntax and diction are also used to express Elliot’s belief that leisure is gone. She expresses this in her diction that personifies old leisure as an innocent, quiet person through the use of the word “he.”


            George Elliot’s belief that leisure is lost taken over by the so called “modern leisure” that she believes is not real like the old leisure. Elliot expresses this through the use of syntax, diction and imagery in her excerpts.







Question 2

            Many novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes including traditions. All these changes can be easily seen in the novel “The Grapes of Wrath.” The social attitudes of the Joad Family goes through an immense change as they leave their Oklahoma home to California in search of a new life. Many political attitudes in the Joad family change as they make their journey. The traditions of the Joad family are also disrupted as the plot progresses.


             Throughout the novel the social attitudes of many characters  in the Joad family drastically change. A great example of this drastic change is Rose of Sharron  who to begin the novel is desperately optimistic, but as she is faced with hardships like the father of her baby running away, and the death of her baby her character matures and takes a more serious attitude.. The political attitudes of the Joad family also changes throughout the plot. The Joads begin their trek to California with optimism that their country will truly provide them with food and a place to live, but once they arrive to California they found out they been betrayed by their government by their being no jobs, no place to live, and no food to eat. This changes their political attitude towards their government as hateful, betrayed and not trustworthy. The Joad’s family traditions greatly affected in the novel due to their move to California. Old ways of life like passing the farm from generation to generation have been ruined as they are kicked out of their land. The Joad family are also removed from their traditional positions of a family as the story progresses as hardships break down and rise up different characters. This can be seen in the youngest son as he becomes a man and takes more care of the family.


            “Grapes of Wrath” sets up a great example of changing political and social attitudes including traditions. This family is faced with many obstacles in their journey to California for a better life which transforms them into a stronger more united family.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on week 1

1. As week 1 has past I have not found any hassles that would affect my participation in the class. What I have found is that being able to turn in assignments from as of right now my living room to be a lot easier than having to print things out and making sure not to lose it.

2. The one experience I had that changed the way I learned was actually in Dr. Preston's Sophmore Honors English Class, which was the first advanced course I had ever taken. Before this class I had always categorized myself as not smart enough to be in advanced course, but once I had entered the course and realized that I could make it in the course and even contribute to lectures I moved on to pushing myself to take more advanced courses.

3. From this course I am most excited of how the class is nothing like any class I've taking before. This class moves away from the standard way of teaching and learning and opens the way for the new which makes the class a surprise everyday. From this class I hope to take away a new perspective of the  classroom and what it can become.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The main reason why i am taking AP English this year goes back to sophmore year, when I dropped the class on the first week thinking I wouldn't make it . Oddly enough I found myself in Dr. Preston College Prep class instead where I was getting a far to easy A in the class, which led to me switching back to Honors and receiving a harder to earn B+. Now senior year I want to make things right and actually go through the whole year of Dr. Prestons now AP English and composition class. From my one semester experience in honors I am ready to learn more than just the remedial book work pushed on in college prep and advance my thinking and writing skills in this class. I also am really excited to to try out the new tools we get to use in this class like the blog which so far has been very easy to post assignments on. I hope to get as much out of this class as possible to help me in my future later on and hope this year is as interesting as Sophmore.