Monday, August 27, 2012

vocabulary list 3


Vocab list 3

Accolade-  a ceremonial embrace

The king was received back to his land with an accolade
acerbity- bitterness

The pompous king spoke with much acerbity in his tone to those he considered under him
attrition- the act of weakening by constant attack

The lawyer use of attrition against the defendant was relentless
bromide- a tiresome person

After a long hard days of work the congressman came back to his wife at home as a very bromide husband
chauvinist- excessive patriotism

The hillbilly was such a chauvinist that he tattooed the American flag on his forehead
chronic- marked by long duration

His football injury left him with chronic back pain that got worse as he aged.
expound-  to defend with argument

The lawyer expounded the defendant by stating that the prosecutor claims were irevelant to the case.
factionalism-a group that is often self-seeking

immaculate- containing no flaw or error

His ACT score was immaculate earning him a full ride to Harvard.
imprecation- to curse

The boy muttered imprecations under his breath so his teacher would not hear him.
ineluctable- not to be avoided, changed or resisted

The criminal’s jail sentence was ineluctable as his crime was to severe.
mercurial- having qualities of thievishness

The monkeys were known to be very mercurial, by stealing from tourists.
palliate- to reduce

They decided to palliate the amount of corn produce and put more effort in to producing wheat.
protocol- set of rules to be followed

The soldiers were taught to follow strict protocol on their missions.

resplendent- shining brilliantly

The resplendent sun made temperatures rise
stigmatize- to mark with stigmata

The legal system stigmatized juveniles as criminals.
sub rosa- secretly-in confidence

She told him of the murder in sub rosa knowing he wouldn’t give her away.
vainglory- vain display or show

Beowolf by many is thought to expressed his fighting skills with much vainglory.
vestige- a footprint

The thief had done a sloppy job as he left many vestiges that led to his identity.
volition- the power of determining or choosing

As judge he was given the volition to who was guilty or innocent.

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