Monday, September 10, 2012

vocabulary list #5

acumen (noun)- keen insight.His politcal acuman won him the election.
adjudicate (verb)- to settle or determine.
The lawyers adjudicated the case by paying off the persecutor.
anachronism (noun)- something or someone that is not in its correct historical time.
During 80's day at school everyone is an anachronism.
apocryphal (adj)- of doubtful authorship or authenticity.
The greek vase was considered as very apocryphal when they saw the made in China sign at the bottom
disparity (noun)- inequality
There will always be disparity of wealth within this society.
dissimulate (verb)- to disguise or conceal under a false appearance.
The bank robbers dissimulated themselves when robbing the bank
empirical (adj)- derived from or guided by experience or experiment
The empirical project was a success
flamboyant (adj)- strikingly bold or brilliant; showy
Flamingos are considered natures flamboyant animal.
fulsome (adj)- offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive;overdone or gross
His opinion on ferraris was offensive to the millioniare
immolate (verb)- to sacrifice
The indians would immolate people to the gods
imperceptible (adj)- very slight, gradual, or subtle.
Snails move at imperceptible paces
lackey (noun)- a servile follower
The bank robber's lackey kept watch during the heist
liaison (noun)- a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection.

monolithic (adj)- consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken
The empire was in monolithic rule of its land until the revolution broke out.
mot juste (noun)- the exact, appropriate word
mot juste is the mot juste for the defintion above.
nihilism (noun)- total rejection of established laws and institutions.
The hippie believed in nihilsm
patrician (noun)- a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat.
The dukes nephew was a patrician and was regarded with much respect
propitiate (verb)- to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
To propitiate for the oil spill the company helped clean up the coast.
sic (verb)-to incite to attack
The man told his dogs to sic the robber.
sublimate(adj)-to make nobler or purer
sublimate gold is more valuable than gold found straight from the ground

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